Working For The Weekend – Season 3 Trailer

Ben Leoni is back after embarking on a 2 year East Coast mission.  On weekdays, Ben is an attorney in Portland, ME laying down the law.  On weekends, he is set free from the office grind to venture around the high peaks of New England and Quebec with his buddies in tow.  Here is a teaser of what is to come in the third season of this groundbreaking series filmed from 2015-2016.

The 5 webisodes will be released starting this January on the Ski The East website here:


Flylow Presents: Working for the Weekend
A Ski The East web series
Featuring Ben Leoni

Additional Shredding By: Louise Lintilhac, Paige Fitzgerald and more

Filmed On Location: New Hampshire // Quebec // Maine

Cinematography: Jim Surette, Lincoln Benedict, Adam Mikaelian, Dana Allen

Proudly Supported By:

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