Good idea. The shops that carry Ski The East gear consistently come back for re-orders because their customers inhale our stuff. If you want apparel and accessories that are in demand year round, popular with kids and adults, and offer normal markups for your bottom line, then get in touch.
We’ll send you a private link with everything you need to get outfitted fast including a gear catalog, order forms, and more. Our minimum order price is small, so it’s great for testing the waters to see why Ski The East will be a great fit for your store (fun fact: every skiing customer that walks through your door skis in the east coast!).
Here’s what a few shops have said recently:
Lahouts – Lincoln, NH:
“We can’t seem to keep Ski The East on the shelves.”
Outdoor Gear Exchange – Burlington, VT:
“Product has been cranking! We’ve already sold 65 items since your last order came in.”
Bolton Valley Sports, Bolton, VT:
“The Ski The East brand is so powerful and has quite the devoted following. Ski The East carries unbelievable street cred. It’s a win-win for both of us – we know those products will move no matter what the weather is and we get your amazing brand in our shop.”
See all the retail shops that currently carry our gear on our interactive Dealers page.
If you are interested in becoming a retail dealer and would like a downloadable version of the catalog, wholesale pricing, and access to our dealer site,
please contact Jake Whitlock: